Know All Top Brand in Market
You can know the top brand, top product, top pricing, top official store in the market
Comparing Your Product with Competitor
You can know the position of your product vs competitor and how to beat competitors
Monitoring Your Performance Realtime 24/7
You can monitoring your performance of campaign, sales, stock, price, and distribution in 24/7 everyday and everywhere
Help Rearrange Strategies to Increase Sales
You can set the new strategy after you know the all insight about your product in market to increase sales
Let’s discover how much your business will increase.
Compas hadir dari tim yang sama yang mengembangkan, sebuah perusahaan teknologi di Jakarta, Indonesia. Compas berfokus pada business intelligence tools, contohnya Market Insight pasar e-commerce, dan memberikan solusi aktif untuk membawa bisnis Anda semakin berkembang dengan strategi bisnis yang tepat.
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